$val) { $_GET[$key] = preg_replace("/[<>]/","",strip_tags($val)); } ?> Nečas Center for Mathematical Modeling "; /*****************lecture**********************/ $sql1="SELECT * FROM lecture WHERE DD=$day && MM=$month && YY=$year && pub=1 ORDER BY start "; mysql_query($sql1) or die (" ERREUR 00 calendar "); $result1 = mysql_query($sql1); while($data1=mysql_fetch_array($result1)) { switch($data1['lec_cour']) { case "s": echo ""; break; case "c": echo ""; break; case "l": echo ""; break; case "e": echo ""; break; case "m": echo ""; break; } if ($data1['start'] != '00:00:00') { echo "".substr($data1['start'],0,5)."
"; } if($data1['lec_cour']=="s") { echo"$data1[abrev_name]"; } else if($data1['lec_cour']=="l") { $par=1+$data1[id]-$data1[parent]; echo"$data1[abrev_name]($par)"; } else { echo"$data1[abrev_name] "; } if(mysql_num_rows($result1)>0) { echo"
"; } } /****************workshops******************/ $sql="SELECT * FROM workshop WHERE DD=$day && MM=$month && YY=$year && pub=1 || fromYY<$year && $year < toYY && pub=1 || fromYY=$year && $year $CW $data[abrev_name]"; } } /*****************************************************************************************************************/ /***** CALENDAR *****************************/ /********************************************************************************************************************/ require("../../openmydatabase.php"); $month=date("m"); $year=date("Y"); $year_event=date("y"); if($month==12) { $next_year=$year+1; } else { $next_year=$year; } if($month==1) { $prev_year=$year-1; } else { $prev_year=$year; } $last_month=date("m",mktime(0,0,0,$month-1,1,$prev_year)); $next_month=date("m",mktime(0,0,0,$month+1,1,$next_year)); /* echo "last_month= $last_month,"; echo "next_month= $next_month,"; echo "prev_year=$prev_year,"; echo "next_year=$next_year"; */ $link = openmysqlserver(); $db = mysql_select_db($_database,$link) or die ("no link to the Center "); $month_name=strtoupper(date("F",mktime(0,0,0,$month,date("d"),date("Y")))); $month_days=date("t",mktime(0,0,0,$month,date("d"),date("Y"))); $shift=date("w",mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,date("Y")))-1; if($shift<0) { $shift=6; } //echo "
"; ?>
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0 && $see_day<=$longMonth) { if($see_day==date("j")) { ?>

"; } else { echo "  "; } ?>
'.$sql); if (mysql_num_rows($req) > 0) { $data=mysql_fetch_array($req); if($data['level'] <2) { ?>
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