Publication database of NCMM , project MORE and MathMAC center.
Beneš, Michal
First name(s): Michal
Last name(s): Beneš

Publications of Beneš, Michal sorted by recency
Pauš, P., Beneš, Michal and Kratochvíl, Jan, Simulation of dislocation cross-slip, in: Proceedings of RIMS seminar, Kyoto, Japan, 2011
Pauš, P. and Beneš, Michal, Dislocation-Precipitate Interaction In Discrete Dislocation Dynamics, in: COE Lecture Note, pages 55-62, Faculty of Mathematics, Kyushu University Fukuoka, 2012
Hoang, H. D. and Beneš, Michal, Numerical Simulation of Anisotropic Surface Diffusion of Graphs, in: RIMS proceedings "Bessatsu Kokyuroku", Kyoto, Japan, 2011
Hoang, H. D., Beneš, Michal and Suzuki, A, Phase-field approach to crystal growth, in: COE Lecture Note, pages 18-25, Faculty of Mathematics, Kyushu University Fukuoka, 2012
Strachota, Pavel, Beneš, Michal and Grottadaurea, M., Computational Investigation and Assessment of Numerical Schemes for Anisotropic Diffusion Equations, in: COE Lecture Note, pages 73-83, Faculty of Mathematics, Kyushu University Fukuoka, 2012
Strachota, Pavel and Beneš, Michal, Towards Clinical Applicability of the Diffusion-based DT-MRI Visualization Algorithm (2011), in: Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
Pauš, P., Beneš, Michal and Kratochvíl, Jan, Model of Topological Changes in Discrete Dislocation Dynamics, in: Proceedings of MMM 2010, Multiscale Materials Modeling, Freiburg, pages 721-728, 2010
Pauš, P. and Beneš, Michal, Discrete Dislocation Dynamics and Mean Curvature Flow, in: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Proceedings of ENUMATH 2009, the 8th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Uppsala, Sweden, pages 721-728, 2010
Strachota, Pavel, Beneš, Michal, Grottadaurea, M. and Tintěra, J., Analysis of the Parallel Finite Volume Solver for the Anisotropic Allen-Cahn Equation in 3D., in: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Proceedings of ENUMATH 2009, the 8th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Uppsala, Sweden, pages 839—846, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010
Pauš, P., Beneš, Michal and Kratochvíl, Jan, Discrete Dislocation Dynamics and Mean Curvature Flow, in: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Proceedings of ENUMATH 2009, the 8th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Uppsala, Sweden, pages 721-728, 2009
Straka, Robert, Makovička, Jindřich, Beneš, Michal and Havlena, V., Numerical model of pulverized coal combustion in furnace, in: ExHFT-7 :7th world conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics : 28 June – 03 July 2009, Krakow, Poland : book of abstract, 2009
Minárik, Vojtěch, Kratochvíl, Jan and Beneš, Michal, Numerical Simulation of Dislocation Dynamics - The Stress Field Evaluation Threshold, in: Algoritmy 2009, Proceedings of contributed papers and posters, pages 185--195, 2009
Pauš, P. and Beneš, Michal, Algorithm for topological changes of parametrically described curves, in: Algoritmy 2009, Proceedings of contributed papers and posters, pages 176--184, 2009
Yazaki, Shigetoshi, An area-preserving crystalline curvature flow equation, in: Topics in mathematical modeling, pages 169-213, MATFYZPRESS, Charles University in Prague, 2008
Kimura, M., Shape derivative of minimum potential energy: abstract theory and applications, in: Topics in mathematical modeling, pages 1-92, MATFYZPRESS, Charles University in Prague, 2008