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Hoang, H. D.
First name(s): H. D.
Last name(s): Hoang

Publications of Hoang, H. D. sorted by first author


Hoang, H. D., Phase-Field Modelling of Heteroepitaxial Growth, in: Sborník workshopu doktorandů FJFI oboru Matematické inženýrství, KM FJFI ČVUT, Praha, 2011
Hoang, H. D., Epitaxial crystal growth, in: Algoritmy 2009, Proceedings of contributed papers and posters, pages 196--201, 2009
Hoang, H. D. and Beneš, Michal, Numerical Simulation of Anisotropic Surface Diffusion of Graphs, in: RIMS proceedings "Bessatsu Kokyuroku", Kyoto, Japan, 2011
Hoang, H. D., Beneš, Michal and Suzuki, A, Phase-field approach to crystal growth, in: COE Lecture Note, pages 18-25, Faculty of Mathematics, Kyushu University Fukuoka, 2012