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Albiac, Fernando
First name(s): Fernando
Last name(s): Albiac

Publications of Albiac, Fernando sorted by journal and type

Collectanea Mathematica

International Mathematics Research Notices. IMRN

Albiac, Fernando, Ansorena, José Luis, Cúth, Marek and Doucha, Michal, Lipschitz algebras and Lipschitz-free spaces over unbounded metric spaces (2022), in: International Mathematics Research Notices. IMRN, 2022:20(16327–16362)

Israel Journal of Mathematics

Journal of Functional Analysis

Transactions of the American Mathematical Society

Albiac, Fernando, Ansorena, José Luis, Cúth, Marek and Doucha, Michal, Lipschitz free spaces isomorphic to their infinite sums and geometric applications (2021), in: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 374:10(7281–7312)