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Fidelity of the estimation of the deformation gradient from data deduced from the motion of markers placed on a body that is subject to an inhomogeneous deformation field
Type of publication: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
Volume: 135
Number: 8
Year: 2013
DOI: 10.1115/1.4023629
Abstract: Practically all experimental measurements related to the response of non-linear bodies, that are made within a purely mechanical context, are concerned with inhomogeneous deformations, though in many experiments much effort is taken to engender homogeneous deformation fields. However, in experiments that are carried out in vivo one cannot control the nature of the deformation. The quantity of interest is the deformation gradient and/or its invariants. The deformation gradient is estimated by tracking positions of a finite number of markers placed in the body. Any experimental data reduction procedure based on tracking a finite number of markers will for a general inhomogeneous deformation introduce an error in the determination of the deformation gradient even in the over-idealized case when the positions of the markers are measured with no error. In our study we are interested in a quantitative description of the difference between the true gradient and its estimate obtained by tracking the markers, that is in the quantitative description of the induced error due to the data reduction. We derive a rigorous upper bound on the error, and we discuss what factors influence the error bound and the actual error itself. Finally, we illustrate the results by studying a practically interesting model problem. We show that different choices of the tracked markers can lead to substantially different estimates of the deformation gradient and its invariants. It is alarming that even qualitative features of the material under consideration such as the incompressibility of the body can be evaluated differently with different choices of the tracked markers. We also demonstrate that the derived error estimate can be used as a tool for choosing the appropriate marker set that leads to the deformation gradient estimate with the least guaranteed error.
Authors Průša, Vít
Rajagopal, K. R.
Saravanan, U.
Added by: [VP]
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