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Isometric embedding of $\ell_1$ into Lipschitz-free spaces and $\ell_\infty$ into their duals
Type of publication: Article
Publication status: Published
Journal: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
Volume: 145
Year: 2017
Month: August
Pages: 3409-3421
DOI: 10.1090/proc/13590
Abstract: We show that the dual of every infinite-dimensional Lipschitz-free Banach space contains an isometric copy of $\ell_\infty$ and that it is often the case that a Lipschitz-free Banach space contains a $1$-complemented subspace isometric to $\ell_1$. Even though we do not know whether the latter is true for every infinite-dimensional Lipschitz-free Banach space, we show that the space is never rotund.
Preprint year: 2016
Authors CĂșth, Marek
Johanis, Michal
Added by: [mc]
Total mark: 0