Tématické okruhy

Topic: Matematické modelování a numerická simulace úloh s volnou hranicí s aplikací v materiálových vědách
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Publications for topic "Matematické modelování a numerická simulace úloh s volnou hranicí s aplikací v materiálových vědách "
Numerical Investigation of Nonaqueous Phase Liquid Behavior at Heterogeneous Sand Layers Using VODA Multiphase Flow Code (2009), in: Journal of Porous Media, 12:7(685-694) | , and ,
[DOI] |
Comparison study for Level set and Direct Lagrangian methods for computing Willmore flow of closed planar curves (2009), in: Computing and Visualization in Science, 12:6(307--317) | , , and ,
[DOI] |
Shape derivative of minimum potential energy: abstract theory and applications, in: Topics in mathematical modeling, pages 1-92, MATFYZPRESS, Charles University in Prague, 2008 | ,
An area-preserving crystalline curvature flow equation, in: Topics in mathematical modeling, pages 169-213, MATFYZPRESS, Charles University in Prague, 2008 | ,
Semianalytical Solution for Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media with a Discontinuity (2008), in: Vadose Zone Journal, 7:3(1001-1007) | , , and ,
[DOI] [URL] |