Tématické okruhy

Topic: Metody abstraktních fukcionálních prostorů v modelování tekutin
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Publications for topic "Metody abstraktních fukcionálních prostorů v modelování tekutin " sorted by journal and type
Integral Equations Operator Theory
On the spectrum of an Oseen-type operator arising from flow past a rotating body (2008), in: Integral Equations Operator Theory, 62:2(169--189) | and ,
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Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
On the existence of finite energy weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in irregular domains (2009), in: Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 32:11(1428--1451) | ,
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Publications of type Techreport
Dimension-free imbeddings of Sobolev spaces, Universität Jena, Germany, 2010 | and ,
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Manuscripta Mathematica
On continuity properties of monotone operators beyond the natural domain of definition (2012), in: Manuscripta Mathematica, 138:3-4(287--298) | ,
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Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin.
Two notes on eventually differentiable families of operators (2010), in: Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin., 51:1(19--24) | ,