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Hasnedlová, Jaroslava
First name(s): Jaroslava
Last name(s): Hasnedlová
This author is also known under the following synonyms:
(All publications of this author under all names are included in the publication list below)

Publications of Hasnedlová, Jaroslava sorted by title


Kučera, Václav and Prokopová, Jaroslava, DG Method for the Solution of Compressible Flow in a Channel with Moving Walls, in: Proc. of Interaction and Feedbacks 2007, pages 19--24, Institue of Thermomechanics, Prague, 2007
Kučera, Václav, Feistauer, Miloslav and Prokopová, Jaroslava, Discontinuous Galerkin Simulation of Compressible Flow in Time-dependent Domains, in: Proceedings of Flow Induced Vibration, pages 73--78, Institute of Thermomechanics, Praha, 2008


Feistauer, Miloslav, Kučera, Václav and Prokopová, Jaroslava, Numerical Solution of Compressible Flow in a Channel with Moving Walls, in: Proc. of Colloquim Fluid Dynamics 2007, pages 45--46, Institue of Thermomechanics, Prague, 2007