Publications of Vejnar, Benjamin sorted by first author
Incomparable compactifications of the ray with Peano continuum as remainder (2016), in: Topology Appl., 208(93--105) | , , and ,
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On blockers in continua (2016), in: Topology and its Applications, 202(346--355) | , and ,
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On minimal homeomorphisms on Peano continua (2016), in: Topology and its Applications, 210(263--268) | , and ,
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Non-cut, shore and non-block points in continua (2016), in: Glas. Mat. Ser. III, 51(71):1(237--253) | , and ,
Half-homogeneous chainable continua with end points (2013), in: Topology and its Applications, 160:9(1066--1073) | , and ,
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Large separated sets of unit vectors in Banach spaces of continuous functions (2019), in: Colloquium Mathematicum, 157:2(173--187) | , and ,
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Haar meager sets revisited (2016), in: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 440:2(922-939) | , , and ,
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Classification of the spaces $C_p^*(X)$ within the Borel-Wadge hierarchy for a projective space $X$ (2015), in: Topology and its Applications, 183(11-17) | and ,
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Sobolev homeomorphism that cannot be approximated by diffeomorphisms in $W^{1,1}$ (2015), in: Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis | and ,
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Half-homogeneous indecomposable circle-like continuum (2013), in: Topology and its Applications, 160:1(56-58) | and ,
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