Joint Workshop Hannover–Prague: “Perspectives in Applied and Computational Analysis”

"Perspectives in Applied and Computational Analysis"
Joint Workshop Hannover – Prague

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017
14.00-14.50 J. Málek: On analysis of several problems for implicitly constituted material models
14.50-15.20 B. Matioc: Modelling and mathematical aspects of fluid flows at low Reynolds
15.20-15.50 L. Adam: Chance constrained problems: Application to gas networks
15.50-16.20 break
16.20-16.50 A. Matioc: On geophysical water waves
16.50-17.40 O. Kreml: On the Riemann problem for the 2D compressible isentropic Euler

Wednesday, June 7th, 2017
Excursion of the Hannover group

Thursday, June 8th, 2017
9.00-9.50 Š. Nečasová: Weak-strong uniqueness for fluid-rigid body system
9.50-10.20 M. Michálek: Existence theorems for instationary differential equations in fluid
10.20-10.50 break
10.50-11.20 J. Escher: Bounded traveling waves in thin films with
gravity and insoluble surfactant
11.20-11.50 F. Kemm: On numerical gas dynamics and related problems
lunch break
13.30-15.00 "Junior Session" with short presentations by PhD students from Hannover:
K. Vassi: Positivity preserving property for a hinged convex plate with stress
T. Würth: Mathematical modeling and analysis of temperature in MEMS
I. Akramov: Onsager‘s Conjecture in critical Besov space
L. Hegerhorst: Nonsmooth constrained optimization problems
J. Zehetbauer: tba
D. Ouchérif: tba
16.00-18.00 Guided tour through Prague
Social event in the evening with participants from Hannover and Prague

Friday, June 9th, 2017
9.00-9.50 R. Liska: Numerical methods for Lagrangian and indirect ALE hydrodynamics
9.50-10.20 C. Lienstromberg: On microelectromechanical systems with general permittivity
10.20-10.50 break
10.50-11.20 M. Steinbach: Mathematical optimization in gas transport
11.20-11.50 F. Lippoth: Modelling and analysis of osmotic cell swelling
12.00-12.30 E. Wiedemann: Mathematical analysis of turbulent flows