
Ceny Nečasova centra pro matematické modelování

Nečasovo centrum pro matematické modelování zřídilo v roce 2021 na památku zakladatelů studijního oboru Matematické a počítačové modelování ve fyzice a technice na Matematicko-fyzikální fakultě Univerzity Karlovy (MFF UK) ceny profesorů Jana Kratochvíla (fyzikální a technické obory), Ivo Marka (numerická a výpočtová matematika) a Jindřicha Nečase (matematická analýza parciálních diferenciálních rovnic).

Ceny jsou udělovány magisterským studentům, kteří kromě vynikajících studijních výsledků projevují mimořádnou iniciativu při studiu zmíněných oborů na MFF UK.

Přihlášku k udělení ceny podává student řediteli Nečasova centra v elektronické formě do 5. června 2024, 12:00. Součástí přihlášky je specifikace oboru, motivační dopis, strukturovaný životopis a jména dvou odborníků, kteří se mohou k žádosti vyjádřit. Udělení cen bude oznámeno nejpozději 30. června 2024. Udělována bude nejvýše jedna cena v daném roce za každý obor. S cenou je spojena finanční odměna.

Přihlášky zasílá student na adresu: a to nejpozději do 5. června 2024, 12:00.

Udělení cen Nečasova centra pro matematické modelování pro rok 2024

Dne 26.6.2024 byly slavnostně předány ceny Nečasova centra pro matematické modelování studentům magisterského studia, kteří kromě vynikajících studijních výsledků projevují mimořádnou iniciativu.

Bc. Lenka Košárková obdržela Cenu profesora Ivo Marka v oblasti numerické a výpočtové matematiky

Mgr. Dominika Hájková obdržela Cenu profesora Jana Kratochvíla v oblasti fyzikálních a technických oborů

Bc. Lucie Wintrová...Read More »

Udělení cen Nečasova centra pro matematické modelování pro rok 2023

Dne 28.6.2023 byly slavnostně předány ceny Nečasova centra pro matematické modelování studentům magisterského studia, kteří kromě vynikajících studijních výsledků projevují mimořádnou iniciativu.

Mgr. Josef Martínek obdržel Cenu profesora Ivo Marka v oblasti numerické a výpočtové matematiky

Mgr. Pavol Šimko obdržel Cenu profesora Jana Kratochvíla v oblasti fyzikálních a technických oborů

Mgr. Stanislav Mosný...Read More »

Udělení cen Nečasova centra pro matematické modelování pro rok 2022

Dne 28.6.2022 byly předány ceny Nečasova centra pro matematické modelování studentům magisterského studia, kteří kromě vynikajících studijních výsledků projevují mimořádnou iniciativu.

Bc. Peter Kottman obdržel Cenu profesora Jana Kratochvíla v oblasti fyzikálních a technických oborů

Bc. Martina Šarmanová obdržela Cenu profesora Ivo Marka v oblasti numerické a výpočtové matematiky

Cena profesora Jindřicha...Read More »

Udělení cen Nečasova centra pro matematické modelování pro rok 2021

Dne 28.6.2021 byly slavnostně předány ceny Nečasova centra pro matematické modelování studentům magisterského studia, kteří kromě vynikajících studijních výsledků projevují mimořádnou iniciativu.

Bc. Jan Hrůza obdržel Cenu profesora Jindřicha Nečase v oblasti matematické analýzy parciálních diferenciálních rovnic

Bc. Jana Trdlicová obdržela Cenu profesora Ivo Marka v oblasti numerické a výpočtové matematiky...Read More »

Udělení cen Nečasova centra pro matematické modelování pro rok 2024

Dne 26.6.2024 byly slavnostně předány ceny Nečasova centra pro matematické modelování studentům magisterského studia, kteří kromě vynikajících studijních výsledků projevují mimořádnou iniciativu.

Bc. Lenka Košárková obdržela Cenu profesora Ivo Marka v oblasti numerické a výpočtové matematiky

Mgr. Dominika Hájková obdržela Cenu profesora Jana Kratochvíla v oblasti fyzikálních a technických oborů

Bc. Lucie Wintrová obdržela Cenu profesora Jindřicha Nečase v oblasti matematické analýzy parciálních diferenciálních rovnic

Mgr. Jakub Cach obdržel ocenění SIAM za rozvoj studentské sekce SIAMu na Univerzitě Karlově.

Udělení cen Nečasova centra pro matematické modelování pro rok 2023

Dne 28.6.2023 byly slavnostně předány ceny Nečasova centra pro matematické modelování studentům magisterského studia, kteří kromě vynikajících studijních výsledků projevují mimořádnou iniciativu.

Mgr. Josef Martínek obdržel Cenu profesora Ivo Marka v oblasti numerické a výpočtové matematiky

Mgr. Pavol Šimko obdržel Cenu profesora Jana Kratochvíla v oblasti fyzikálních a technických oborů

Mgr. Stanislav Mosný obdržel Cenu profesora Jindřicha Nečase v oblasti matematické analýzy parciálních diferenciálních rovnic

Remembering Ivo Babuška

SIAM news blog by Douglas N. Arnold

Post-doctoral researcher at CRM

The Industrial Mathematics Research Group at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) in Barcelona is seeking a Post-doctoral researcher to join the project Exploiting mathematics to aid in the design of adsorption columns (PDC2021-121088-I00). Applications will be accepted until October 15th, 2022.

For details see

Udělení cen Nečasova centra pro matematické modelování pro rok 2022

Dne 28.6.2022 byly předány ceny Nečasova centra pro matematické modelování studentům magisterského studia, kteří kromě vynikajících studijních výsledků projevují mimořádnou iniciativu.

Bc. Peter Kottman obdržel Cenu profesora Jana Kratochvíla v oblasti fyzikálních a technických oborů

Bc. Martina Šarmanová obdržela Cenu profesora Ivo Marka v oblasti numerické a výpočtové matematiky

Cena profesora Jindřicha Nečase v oblasti matematické analýzy parciálních diferenciálních rovnic nebyla v tomto roce udělena

Ph.D. student position in Polynomial Optimization in the Design of Globally Optimal Frame Structures under Dynamic Loads at Czech Technical University in Prague

Jakub Mareček and Vyacheslav Kungurtsev, at the Czech Technical University in Prague, are searching for a motivated Ph.D. student, who will work on a Polynomial Optimization in the Design of Globally Optimal Frame Structures under Dynamic Loads. The position is full-time and limited to 3 years but can be extended in case of mutual interest. For more details see

Udělení cen Nečasova centra pro matematické modelování pro rok 2021

Dne 28.6.2021 byly slavnostně předány ceny Nečasova centra pro matematické modelování studentům magisterského studia, kteří kromě vynikajících studijních výsledků projevují mimořádnou iniciativu.

Bc. Jan Hrůza obdržel Cenu profesora Jindřicha Nečase v oblasti matematické analýzy parciálních diferenciálních rovnic

Bc. Jana Trdlicová obdržela Cenu profesora Ivo Marka v oblasti numerické a výpočtové matematiky

Bc. Zuzana Procházková obdržela Cenu profesora Jana Kratochvíla v oblasti fyzikálních a technických oborů

Seminars BIOMAT 2021. MNat International School

BIOMAT 2021 Granada Mathematical Modeling, Mechanics and Biology

A course organized in a series of weekly seminars on current topics of mathematical modeling in developmental biology, biophysics, biomechanics and biomedicine aimed at researchers in training and the entire scientific community.

List of extended 1-hour seminars starting at 16:30 hours (EU time). They are open seminars but require prior registration at


  • February 3: José Antonio Carrillo, University of Oxford, UK
    Aggregation-Diffusion models for differential adhesion and applications
  • February 10: Nicola Bellomo, University of Granada, Spain
    Mathematical Models for Covid-19 Pandemics in a Globally Connected World
  • February 17: Alex Mogilner, Courant Institute, New York, USA
    Mathematics of Mitotic Spindle
  • February 24: Anna Marciniak-Czochra, Heidelberg University, Germany
  • March 3: Benoît Ladoux , Jacques Monod Institute, CNRS & University of Paris, France
  • March 10: Thomas Hillen, University of Alberta, Canada
    Mathematical Modelling of Metastasis
  • March 17: Andreas Deutsch, Technical University of Dresden, Germany
    Collective effects in cancer invasion and progression
  • March 24: Philip Maini, University of Oxford, UK

PostDoc fellow at the University of Kassel

Please draw your attention to a postdoc position in the group of Prof. Elfriede Friedmann at the University of Kassel, Institute of Mathematics - Analysis and Applied Mathematics.

For more details see

Ph.D. student position in modeling of mechanical metamaterials at Czech Technical University in Prague

Milan Jirasek and Jan Zeman at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, are searching for a motivated Ph.D. student, who will work on our new ambitious project on non-periodic mechanical metamaterials. Candidates should be interested in and have some previous experience with mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of the mechanical response of materials or structures.

Interested candidates are invited to proceed to for additional details on the opening.

PhD/PostDoc fellows at the University of Luxembourg

Martin Řehoř and Michal Habera, who are currently working at the University of Luxembourg, would like to draw your attention to the following announcements.

Following positions are open for a call (click for details):

Memorial seminar called "Our long-term collaboration with Dr. Ivan Hlaváček"

The goal of this special event is to commemorate work of the outstanding Czech applied mathematician and numerical analyst, Dr. Ivan Hlaváček, who passed away on July 22, 2018.

Our long-term collaboration with Dr. Ivan Hlaváček Date: Friday November 23, 2018, 9:00-12:00 Organizers: Michal Krizek, Sarka Necasova Place: Institute of Mathematics, Main Lecture Hall

SNA 2019 (Seminář numerické analýzy a zimní škola)

Podrobnosti o SNA 2019 (Seminář numerické analýzy a zimní škola) nyní najdete na aktualizované webové stránce:

Důležitými termíny jsou kromě vlastního konání 21.-25.1.2019:

01.12.2018 Registrace s názvem příspěvku
20.12.2018 Zaslání rozšířených abstraktů do sborníku
15.01.2019 Zaplacení konferenčního poplatku
30.04.2019 Zaslání článku do speciálního čísla AM

Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2019

The conference will be held in the Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i. in Prague, February 20 – 22, 2019.

Scope of the conference covers the whole field of fluid mechanics. 
Papers on experimental, numerical and theoretical investigations of problems in fluid mechanics are welcome. 
Reports on new mathematical and/or experimental aproaches to solution of fluid flow problems are also of great interest. 

For further details please visit our web. Please pay attention to "Conference Fee" and "Instructions for Authors" as there are some changes!

Looking forward to seeing you in Prague. 

Summer School 2018: Waves in Flows

We would like to invite you to the Summer School 2018: Waves in Flows. The whole course and workshop will be held at the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic.

Waves are one of the most distinct and most important phenomena in fluid mechanics. The aim of this summer school is to present a comprehensive series of lectures on various aspects of waves and their role in mathematical analysis and numerical simulation of different types of flows. The summer school is organized as a multidisciplinary event with topics ranging from theoretical and numerical mathematics up to physics and applications. The emphasize will be on models related to topics originating in environmental, biomedical and industrial applications. The summer course is prepared for graduate students, young scientists, and other interested specialists. Besides of the course lectures, the program will include a one day workshop (on Wednesday, August 29) dedicated to short, more advanced lectures given by attending scientists.

For more details see

Joint Workshop Hannover–Prague: "Perspectives in Applied and Computational Analysis"

"Perspectives in Applied and Computational Analysis"
Joint Workshop Hannover – Prague

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017
14.00-14.50 J. Málek: On analysis of several problems for implicitly constituted material models
14.50-15.20 B. Matioc: Modelling and mathematical aspects of fluid flows at low Reynolds
15.20-15.50 L. Adam: Chance constrained problems: Application to gas networks
15.50-16.20 break
16.20-16.50 A. Matioc: On geophysical water waves
16.50-17.40 O. Kreml: On the Riemann problem for the 2D compressible isentropic Euler

Wednesday, June 7th, 2017
Excursion of the Hannover group

Thursday, June 8th, 2017
9.00-9.50 Š. Nečasová: Weak-strong uniqueness for fluid-rigid body system
9.50-10.20 M. Michálek: Existence theorems for instationary differential equations in fluid
10.20-10.50 break
10.50-11.20 J. Escher: Bounded traveling waves in thin films with
gravity and insoluble surfactant
11.20-11.50 F. Kemm: On numerical gas dynamics and related problems
lunch break
13.30-15.00 "Junior Session" with short presentations by PhD students from Hannover:
K. Vassi: Positivity preserving property for a hinged convex plate with stress
T. Würth: Mathematical modeling and analysis of temperature in MEMS
I. Akramov: Onsager‘s Conjecture in critical Besov space
L. Hegerhorst: Nonsmooth constrained optimization problems
J. Zehetbauer: tba
D. Ouchérif: tba
16.00-18.00 Guided tour through Prague
Social event in the evening with participants from Hannover and Prague

Friday, June 9th, 2017
9.00-9.50 R. Liska: Numerical methods for Lagrangian and indirect ALE hydrodynamics
9.50-10.20 C. Lienstromberg: On microelectromechanical systems with general permittivity
10.20-10.50 break
10.50-11.20 M. Steinbach: Mathematical optimization in gas transport
11.20-11.50 F. Lippoth: Modelling and analysis of osmotic cell swelling
12.00-12.30 E. Wiedemann: Mathematical analysis of turbulent flows

Seminar talk: Applied mathematics research at exascale

Date: 4. 5. 2017
Time: 14:00 - 15:30
Address: Sokolovská 83, Praha
Room: K3
Speaker: Esmond G. Ng (Berkeley Lab)

Abstract: pdf file

A lecture organized in cooperation with the Mathematical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

Application to GSSI post doctoral research grants

Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), located in L'Aquila, Italy, offers 5 positions for research activity in the fields of interest of the Institute  There is no age limit for applicants; however eligible candidates in Mathematics  must have earned their PhD not earlier than January 1, 2012.

Candidates who are preparing their doctoral thesis are eligible to apply; however, they must have obtained their Ph.D degree before taking up their appointment with GSSI.

The annual gross salary is € 36.000,00. Each post doctoral research grant is intended for a duration of two years.


  • Stochastic Differential Equations
  • Particles systems and macroscopic limits, statistical mechanics and phase transitions
  • Mathematical theory in classical and nonclassical fluids
  • Nonlinear dispersive PDEs
  • Dynamics and Control on Networks
  • Mathematical models of collective behaviour, in biology and social sciences
  • Mathematical Models in continuum mechanics of solids, fluids and biological matter
  • Numerical methods for nonlinear PDEs


Contact Information
If you need assistance please email

May 15th 2017

Seminar on Numerical Analysis - SNA'17

Dovolujeme si Vás informovat o konání další akce z řady - SNA, tedy Semináře a zimní školy numerické analýzy. Zameření akce je na numerické metody pro modelování a simulaci náročných technických problémů. SNA'17 se se bude konat v termínu 30.1. - 3.2. 2017 v Ostravě.

Podrobnosti zjistíte na webové stránce:

ESSAM School on Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

Date: 29/05/2016  – 03/06/2016
Place: Kácov, Czech Republic

The aim of the school is to promote the interconnection of mathematical modeling, analysis, and computational methods used in solving complex (real-world) problems. The lectures will be prepared with a broad multidisciplinary audience in mind, and at each school a broad scope, ranging from modeling to scientific computing, will be covered. Usually four main speakers deliver a series of three lectures. Ample time within the school is allocated for the promotion of informal scientific discussions among the participants.

Speakers and topics of the 2016 school are:

  • Peter Bastian (Universität Heidelberg, Germany), [Simulation of Multiphase Flows in Porous Media].
  • Jörg Liesen (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany), [Krylov subspaces. Classical mathematics, iterative methods, and surprisinglinks].
  • Jan Mandel (University of Colorado at Denver, USA), [Probability on spaces of functions, with applications to inverse problems and dataassimilation].
  • Richard Katz (University of Oxford, UK), [Two-phase fluid dynamics of partially molten rock: fundamentals and application to the Earth].

The school is organized under the auspices of the European Mathematical Society (EMS) and Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague (MFF UK), as an activity of the Nečas Center for Mathematical Modeling. Participants will have a possibility to present a short communication (maximally 10 minutes in the dependence on the number of
participants contributing to this kind of activity).

The deadline for registration and submission of abstracts is May 2, 2016.

Registration is now open at including the additional information about the venue, program and deadlines.


Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 18 (PANM 18)

Dolní Maxov, Czech Republic, June 19-24, 2016

Seminar on numerical analysis, in particular

  • theoretical and practical aspects of numerical methods
  • implementation aspects of numerical algorithms
  • numerical modelling
  • parallel computing

Organized by the Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
Organizers: J. Chleboun, P. Kůs, P. Přikryl, K. Segeth, J. Šístek, T. Vejchodský.

See conference webpage for details.

Winter school on Stochastic Homogenization

Augsburg, February 17-19, 2016

The main course will be given by Felix Otto and additional lectures presented by Scott Armstrong and Antoine Gloria. The school is intended mainly for PhD students and early stage researchers, but open for everyone. Registration is free, but participants are required to register in advance, for organizational purposes. Further information on the school and deadlines (partial financial support, November 30, 2015) can be found on
the webpage of the winter school

Winterschool on Calculus of Variations in Physics and Materials Science

Würzburg, February 14-19, 2016

The speakers are
Sergio Conti (University of Bonn, Germany)
Variational Modeling of Crystal Plasticity and Dislocations

Irene Fonseca (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Epitaxy, Quantum Dots and Dislocations: Dynamics of Material Defects

Claude Le Bris (Ecole des Ponts and INRIA, France)
Nonperiodic Problems in Multiscale Materials Science: Toward a Theory of Defects and Efficient Stochastic Approaches

More information on the webpage of the winterschool.

Workshop on MOdel REduction 2015

Pilsen, September 6-10, 2015

The team members of the project ERC-CZ MORE (2012-2017) cordially invite you to the workshop on Model Reduction. The main topic of the workshop is model reduction of high-dimensional linear and nonlinear systems with particular emphasis on structure preserving model reduction and computational aspects of model reduction.

More information on the webpage of the workshop or in the leaflet.

Heidelberg—Prague Workshop in Analysis and Numerics

Prague, April 29, 2015
Carolinum, Small Auditorium, 2nd Floor

As part of the celebrations of twenty-five years of successful cooperation of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg and the Charles University in Prague (April 27-29, 2015), Heidelberg—Prague Workshop in Analysis and Numerics takes place on April 29. More information on the celebrations webpage or directly on the workshop webpage.
Workshop programme in PDF.

The 13th European Finite Element Fair

Prague, June 5-6, 2015, Friday 1:30pm till Saturday 5pm

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague
Malostranské náměstí 25, Praha 1, Czech Republic

The European Finite Element Fair (EFEF) is an annual series of completely informal small workshops throughout Europe with equal initial conditions for each speaker. EFEF provides a platform for high-level discussions on current research on finite element approximation, in the broadest sense, of partial differential equations. Authors are encouraged to present one new idea rather than review a full research project. In this spirit, the communication of recent and new results, even not yet published, is very welcome. A few, but strict, rules apply to EFEF in order to distinguish it from existing workshops and minisymposia in the field. More information on workshop webpage.

Spring School on Analysis 2015 - Function Spaces and Lineability IX

Paseky nad Jizerou, May 31 - June 6, 2015

Following a longstanding tradition, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague and the Czech Academy of Sciences will organize the 43rd Spring School on Analysis.
The program will consist of series of lectures on
Function Spaces and Lineability IX
delivered by
Pekka Koskela (University of Jyväskylä, Finland): Sobolev Extension Domains
Luboš Pick (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic): How to Find the Optimal Partner
Juan B. Seoane-Sepúlveda (Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Spain): Lineability and Spaceability in Mathematics. Linearity in Nonlinear Settings

More info on school webpage.

Workshop Low dimensional geometric dynamics

Pisa, Italy, 20 April 2015 - 24 April 2015

The aim of the workshop is to gather experts working on low dimensional dynamics from different perspectives. More info on workshop webpage.

Special Materials in Complex Systems - SMaCS 2015

Rome - May 18-22, 2015.

The workshop focuses on the mathematical analysis of special materials in complex systems for advanced technologies such as
• shape-memory, ferro-magnetic, bio-materials
• liquid crystals
• polymers
• multi-component liquid mixtures and multi-phase fluids

The main aim of the conference is to provide an overview of the state of the art on these topics, with special attention to the novel techniques emerging in “non-smooth” mechanics and fluid dynamics. See more on conferece webpage.

AIME@CZ - Czech workshop on applied mathematics in engineering

Prague, February 24-25, 2015

The workshop, organized by Didier Henrion, Josef Malek, Tomas Pajdla, Zdenek Strakos and Miroslav Tuma, aims at reporting recent achievements in applied mathematics in engineering on the Czech scene. It is a follow-up of a series of previous similar workshops that took place in Prague in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2014. More on webpage of the workshop.

14th School Mathematical Theory in Fluid Mechanics

Kácov, May 22-29, 2015

Invited speakers:
Dorin Bucur (Université de Savoie, Le-Bourget-Du-Lac, France)
Lars Diening (Universität München, München, Germany)
Ansgar Jüngel (Vienna University of Technology, Wien, Austria)
Chun Liu (The Penn State University, University Park, USA)
Arghir Dani Zarnescu (University of Sussex, Falmer, UK)

More on webpage of the school.

Equadiff 2015

Lyon, France, July 6-10, 2015

The Equadiff is a series of major international conferences on dynamical
systems, ordinary and partial differential equations, and
applications, which are held every second year in various countries of
Western and Eastern Europe. Recent locations include Prague (2013),
Loughborough (2011), Brno (2009), Vienna (2007), Bratislava (2005),
and Hasselt (2003). See conference website for more information.

Applications of Mathematics 2015

November 18–21, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic

International conference in honor of the 90th birthday of Ivo Babuška and 85th birthday of Milan Práger and Emil Vitásek. Professors Ivo Babuška, Milan Práger, and Emil Vitásek are renowned experts in numerical analysis and computational methods. Their fruitful scientific careers started in Prague, at the Institute of Mathematics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (now Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), where they worked on joint projects including computational analysis of technology during the construction of Orlík Dam (1953–1956) and the joint book entitled Numerical processes in differential equations published in 1966. Therefore, it is an honor for the Institute of Mathematics to host a conference on the occasion of their birthdays.
More on conference website.

Workshop on Geometrical Analysis dedicated to the 60th birthday of Jan Maly

September 18–20, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic

The program will consist of lectures delivered by invited speakers who are coauthors of Jan Maly. Another purpose of the meeting is to bring together mathematicians with common interest in the Geometrical Analysis and related topics. For further details please visit conference webpage.

High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering (HPCSE) 2015

May 25–28, 2015, Hotel Soláň, Beskydy Mountains, Czech Republic

Scope of the conference: applied mathematics, numerical linear algebra, optimization
methods, computational sciences, high performance computing.
For further details please visit conference webpage.

Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2015

Prague, February 11-13, 2015

The conference will be held in the Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy
of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i. in Prague.

Scope of the conference covers the whole field of fluid mechanics.
Papers on experimental, numerical and theoretical investigations of problems in fluid mechanics are welcome. Reports on new mathematical and/or experimental aproaches to solution of fluid flow problems are also of great interest.

For further details please visit conference webpage.

Upcoming events in 2014

Please note the following events that will be held in 2014. Workshop AIME@CZ Czech workshop on applied mathematics in engineering, meeting Regularity theory for elliptic and parabolic systems and problems in continuum mechanics and summer school Particles in Flows are co-organized by Nečas Center for Mathematical Modelling.

Conference "Modeling, analysis and computing in nonlinear partial differential equations
" organized as an activity of the ERC-CZ project Implicitly constituted material models: from theory through model reduction to efficient numerical methods and of Nečas Center for Mathematical Modelling. Details will be available soon.

Date Event Comment
11th -- 12th March 2014 AIME@CZ Czech workshop on applied mathematics in engineering The workshop, organized by Didier Henrion,
Josef Málek, Tomáš Pajdla, Zdeněk Strakoš and Miroslav Tůma aims at reporting recent achievements in applied mathematics in engineering on the Czech scene. It is a follow-up of a series of previous similar workshops that took place in Prague in
2010, 2011 and 2012.
1st -- 3rd May 2014 Regularity theory for elliptic and parabolic systems and problems in continuum mechanics Since 2010 Nadační fond na podporu vědy NEURON (NEURON Endowment Fund to Support Science) provides grants for scientists working in the Czech Republic. In 2012 NEURON junior research grant was awarded to Miroslav Bulíček for research concerning regularity of solutions to partial differential equations. The meeting Regularity theory for elliptic and parabolic systems and problems in continuum mechanics is organized as a part of this junior research project. The aim of the meeting is to bring together researchers working in the field of regularity of partial differential equations with a particular emphasis on partial differential equations stemming from continuum mechanics.
2nd -- 6th June 2014 Modelling 2014 Modelling 2014 aims to be a forum for an exchange of ideas, insights and experience in different areas of mathematical modelling - from numerical methods and computer aspects to applications of mathematical modelling methods. This international conference belongs to a series of conferences held in Roznov 2009, Pilsen 2005, Pilsen 2001, Prague 1998.Main topics topics include computational modelling in engineering and science: multiscale modelling, multiphysics modelling, progress in discretization methods, efficient solvers, nonlinear problems, reliable computations, challenging applications of mathematical modelling methods, exploiting massively parallel computing facilities.
8th -- 13th June 2014 PANM 17 Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 17, seminar organized by Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. For more information visit the conference homepage.
9th -- 15th June 2014 NAFSA 10 The 10th international school on Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications is organized by the Department of Mathematical Analysis of the Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, and the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. For more information please visit the school homepage.
25th August -- 31th August Particles in Flows The aim of the summer school is to present a comprehensive series of lectures on various aspects of problems involving particles in flows. It is organized as a multidisciplinary event with topics ranging from theoretical and numerical mathematics up to physics and applications. The emphasize will be on models related to topics originating in environmental, biomedical and industrial applications. The summer course is prepared for graduate students, young scientists, and other interested specialists. Besides of the course lectures, the program will include a one day workshop (on Wednesday, August 27) dedicated to short, more advanced lectures given by attending scientists.
See homepage or PDF leaflet.
8th - 12th September 2014 Numerical
Simulation in Physics and Engineering (The XVI Jacques-Louis Lions Spanish-French School)
The Spanish-French School on Numerical Simulation in Physics and Engineering has been organized every two years since 1984, and it is intended for professionals, researchers and students interested in numerical methods. More information on the webpage or in the PDF leaflet.
21st - 26th September 2014 Modeling, analysis and computing in nonlinear partial differential equations Conference organized as an activity of the ERC-CZ project Implicitly constituted material models: from theory through model reduction to efficient numerical methods. Details will be available soon.
3rd - 5th November 2014 Computational Mechanics 2014 The aim of the 30th annual scientific conference COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS 2014 (CM 2014) is to inform all participants and the wide scientific community about topical problems and new results gained in various fields of engineering mechanics in the last year and to extend the cooperation among academical and industrial institutions.

The workshop MODELLING AND INVERSE PROBLEMS FOR HETEROGENEOUS MEDIA will be organised within the conference.

For more information please visit the conference website.

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 17 (PANM 17)

Seminar on numerical analysis, in particular

  • practical and theoretical aspects of numerical methods
  • implementational aspects of numerical algorithms
  • numerical modelling
  • parallel computing

Organized by Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
Organizers: J. Chleboun, P. Přikryl, K. Segeth, J. Šístek, T. Vejchodský.

See conference webpage or the flyer in PDF for details.

Talks: M. Kuchta, M. Mortensen (Seminar on Geodynamics)

SEMINAR ON GEODYNAMICS (for more details see

On 13.11.2013 presents:

14:00 Miroslav Kuchta (Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo): Eikonal equation on unstructured meshes
15:40 Mikael Mortensen (Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo): FEniCS and its application in biomedical computing

Contract establishing NCMM signed.

On March 18, 2013 the agreement to establish the Nečas Center for Mathematical Modeling was signed.
Academic bulletin ASCR report (in czech)

FEIST 2013 (International Conference on Finite Elements in Science and Technology)

International Conference on Finite Elements in Science and Technology (including other numerical techniques) that is dedicated to Prof. RNDr. Miloslav Feistauer, DrSc., Dr.h.c. on the occasion of his 70th birthday
is organized by the Department of Numerical Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague. The scientific program starts on Thursday, June 20, 9:30 and ends on Saturday, June 22, noon.

See the conference webpage for details.

Inaugural seminar - preliminary announcement

We expect the signature of the treaty establishing the Center on March 18, 2013. The operation of the Center will be inaugurated on May 2, 2013 at the Refectory in Malá Strana building of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague. Professor Endre Süli (University of Oxford) who is a member of the research team of project ECR-CZ MORE (principal investigator Josef Málek) will give a lecture at the seminar.

International Conference on Mathematical Fluid Dynamics (March 5--9, 2013, Nara, Japan)


Eduard Feireisl, Josef Málek, Šárka Nečasová, Jiří Neustupa and Milan Pokorný will give invited lectures at the International Conference on Mathematical Fluid Dynamics that is held on the occasion of Professor Yoshiro Shibata's 60th birthday. The titles of their lectures are "Dissipative solutions to the full Navier--Stokes--Fourier system", "On implicitly constituted incompressible fluids", "Compresible barotropic fluids in time-dependent domains: existence and incompressible limits", "A refinement of some regularity criteria for weak solutions of the Navier--Stokes equations" and "Steady compressible Navier-Stokes–Fourier system" respectively.