Members of the Center are principal investigators and team members in various research projects. See below for a list of projects that have been solved since 2013.
European Research Council
- 2013--2018, ERC-AdG, MATHEF - Mathematical Thermodynamics of Fluids, principal investigator Eduard Feireisl
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic
- 2012--2017, ERC-CZ, Implicitly constituted material models: from theory through model reduction to efficient numerical methods, principal investigator Josef Málek
- 2012–2017, ERC-CZ, Sobolev mappings, principal investigator Stanislav Hencl
Czech Science Foundation
The member have successfully applied for many Czech Science Foundation grants. It is worth to note that the grants come from various panels (101 - Mechanical Engineering, 107 - Materials and Metallurgy, 108 - Materials Science and Engineering, 201 - Mathematics, 202 - Computer Science).
- 2015--2017, GA ČR 15-14263Y, Generation of meltwater and transport processes in the ice shell of Europa, principal investigator Ondřej Souček
- 2014--2016, GA ČR 201/14-04892P, Deskriptivní teorie množin a otázky univerzálnosti v teorii Banachových prostorů, principal investigator Ondřej Kurka
- 2014--2016, GA ČR 101/14-02067S, Advanced methods for flow-field analysis, principal coinvestigator Jakub Šístek
- 2013--2018, GA ČR 201/13-06684S, Iterative methods in computational mathematics: Analysis, preconditioning, and applications, principal investigator Miroslav Tůma
- 2012--2016, GA ČR 107/12/0121, A mechanism of ultra-fine substructure formation induced by severe plastic deformation, principal investigator Jan Kratochvíl
- 2012--2014, GA ČR 101/12/P074, Behaviour of incompressible fluid-like materials with pressure dependent material moduli, principal investigator Vít Průša
- 2012--2014, GA ČR 202/12/J060, Integrated verification and falsification of hybrid systems of industrial size, principal investigator Stefan Ratschan
- 2011--2015, GA ČR 108/11/0853, Nanostructures with transition metals: Towards ab-initio material design, principal coinvestigator Miroslav Rozložník
- 2011--2013, GA ČR 201/11/1304, Flow of fluids in domains with variable geometry, principal investigator Šárka Nečasová
- 2010--2014, GA ČR 201/10/0357, Modern mathematical and computational models for inelastic processes in solids, principal investigator Tomáš Roubíček
- 2010--2014, GA ČR 201/10/0752, Stochastic space-time systems, principal investigator Bohdan Maslowski
- 2010--2014, GA ČR 201/10/2315, Mathematical modeling of processes in hysteretic materials, principal investigator Pavel Krejčí
- 2009--2013, GA ČR 201/09/0917, Mathematical and computer analysis of the evolution processes in nonlinear viscoelastic fluid-like materials, principal investigator Josef Málek
- 2008--2013, GA ČR 201/08/0012, Qualitative analysis and numerical solution of flow problems, principal investigator Miloslav Feistauer
- 2013--2014, Nadační fond Karla Janečka, Kvalitativní analýza nestlačitelných Navierových-Stokesových-Fourierových rovnic, principal investigator Miroslav Bulíček
- 2012--2018, Charles University in Prague, Univerzitní centrum matematického modelování, aplikované analýzy a výpočtové matematiky, principal investigator Josef Málek
- 2013--2014, EC Marie Curie Fellowship, StochDetBioModel - Stochastic and deterministic modelling of biological and biochemical phenomena with applications to circadian rhythms and pattern formation, Tomáš Vejchodský
- 2012--2013, SCIEX 11.152, TraFlu Transport phenomena in continuum fluid dynamics,
principal investigator Ondřej Kreml